Ultragene Welcomes you


This website has been developed to show case, artwork that was created By Benjamin John Pope


Art Work

Skull Brothers

One of my favorite Pieces, if you are Gothic or just like fantasy and sci fi / skeletons then this is a piece, which hopefully you find interesting!

This Image was made using various filter effects to give it a style which is creative and fresh / with the ability to stand out.

This piece is also available in different styles and formats, please view the "Art" Page, to view all art created by Ultragene Productions, the button for Art is located at the top of the screen or take a short cut and click here !


Above is examples of variations available

Totally Free to Download



Alien Twins

This Creative Piece was made using various filtering effects, in, popular Adobe software such as Photoshop / Illustrator.

This Piece Is Available in many different Formats !

To purchase This Art Work, Please visit The "Shop" or click the photo and follow the options.



The tribe

Art work created with various filters and effects to give a creative style and colorful feeling.

This piece was also developed using adobe software and is available in the shop in many formats, to purchase please click the image.




Download Above Images with extras

55 Images Files, royalty Free


Ultragenes idents



Ug Ident

This Was One of the First Animated logos, I Developed, animated etc using adobe software

The animated Logo is all vector art work, which was created then exported as an image file (png) then totally animated / music Added using Adobe Premiere

To View Other Idents, either visit the Ultragene Youtube Page or Click the video button on this web site



Ug Eye Ident

After choosing my solgan "with vision theres influence" , I decided to make this Ident, I used Adobe software (Animate) and then edited it in adobe premier, the music was also developed by Me and Propeller heads Reason





Ug Ident

This Was the very first Ident, I developed this in the same way as the Ident above, it is quite poor quality because footage back in those days were ccd and on dv tapes etc

I was very happy with then final Ident, This Ident was Made over ten years ago as you can see the date located on the youtube video

To have a video Ident Made for your business or hobbies / team etc please feel free to contact / send a brief and then I can give you a quote





Royalty Free Examples





To Download these items then visit the download page


Ultragenes Art Slides / Old and New


Below is an example of different art Pieces which are created using Only vector, which is basically the format of digital Art! the slide, has examples of different banners, logos and digital illustration!



The Art work in this slide also contains some image work!


Hobbies and extreme sport

Visit Transworld's Youtube Channel

Slight Insight _ Skateboarding documentary


Slight Insight was the first Skateboarding documentary, I produced, edited and starred in totally By myself. It was also filmed by me and my faithful tripod.

It was filmed on a ccd panasonic Camcorder, (dv tapes) and edited on a package I had because of sony Vaio desktops, which, was premiere Le. A free application on that computer

I eventually categorized my skateboarding and edited the footage I built into a playlist available on My youtube Channel Ultragene Productions.

If you wish to view the playlist please Click Here, and then select

"Ultragene sk8 Vids"

On the playlist section of my Channel




To watch Sk8 Videos which inspired Benjamin please click here


Characters and Character Development



To develop a character you need the knowledge of Drawing on paper, you also need the knowledge of construction of brain mapping.

You can develop characters for use with animation according to Adobe Animate, you can then use keyframes and motion tweens to create A well Developed Animation


Free Tutorials / Ad for Tutorial packages !!!



On this web site, you can purchase and then watch media video tutorials, which teach you a various amount of knowledge, which should give you the ability to create a develop your own sections, art work or collections of media which you can then sell according to your talent.

You have a choice of certain genres of training as well, you can learn and create categorized productions according to the tutorial material and produce stuff like >>

Web buttons

Animated Buttons



Cartoons / art work

HTML sites

Video editing / understanding film work


Animation / controlling art

Understanding keyframes

Understanding ratio

Understanding parallel art work

Understanding action-script

Creating and understanding youtube pages

Creating and understanding facebook pages

Understanding search engine ranking

and more !!!

Download or watch for free!!!





Using Adobe software




Adobe Premiere

I have used Adobe premiere for over ten years, and enjoy developing short films, animated logos also known as "Idents". and creating effects with tripod knowledge and skills, My creations where developed for different inspirational reasons, some of them were my history, some of them where influenced by my hobbies and work.

I create various moving image, but, the most fun is photo, poems or manipulation of art work to create an Ident (Animated Logo).

If you purchase tutorials you will learn how to create Idents, edit footage, understand effects or you can purchase royalty free footage and also be able to pay for my hourly work. There is also a method using different software which is part of the Adobe Family that creates DVD title screens and prints DVDS according to Premiere & or Photoshop / Flash / DVD Encore




Adobe Encore

The application adobe Encore allows your PC to create and write professional DVD, it started out with Premiere 7.0 with the package Encore 1.0 and then built the ability to the version 6.0, the only premiere you can use with encore 6.0 is premiere cs 6. You get the option of creating professional layouts and photographic content for a method of title screens which can be video title screen and can also be transitional video screens according to a title menu and then direct button options to play the DVD or chapters which are all categorized with title screens and buttons and then print / write the DVD

DVD encore is available to purchase as disk.





Adobe Animate

One of the applications I use and by far my favorite is Adobe flash . Its history started with Macromedia flash and then Adobe bought the software and enhanced it, in their own way. It can create detailed artwork, animation, web sites, dynamic controlled animations, buttons and all web elements and other design and coded elements which can be used in loads of ways to create Web Media


To visit the Adobe site and understand more about these software applications please visit



Short Moving Image Productions


Dreams, Moving Image Production

This short film piece was created for the HND in moving image course according to Truro College.

The film talks and tells a story about a young person dreaming of his past, The story is about a dead person calling his life back as a dream.

It was created with mainly Images which where animated in Adobe Premiere and then scripted according to the images! I was very proud of this being one of my first Productions




Angel the Poem

This is another Piece I made for the HND course at Truro College.

The short Moving image Production was edited according to the images matching the poems and the poems words. I was very happy with this production also!






Headless Horseman's wife

This Is another moving image production which is developed image in Adobe Flash, (all vector art work) and then added to premiere in different separate pictures, which then, were simply motion tweened / animated in that application with music added also, which personally I think makes the piece feel like the genre (thriller) and gives it the atmosphere and definition to the title.

To visit my place of study that the productions to your right where created for or for courses in Cornwall relating to media work please visit the link below the videos





This is Cornwalls teaching Facility, which I have attended


Explaning Multi media Production etc And Why!!


Heading Video

This video slightly explains the progression of Adobe


Fav Tracks Playlist


UG / Benjamin John Pope loving music

All the way through my life, I listened to music and love the fact that eventually Youtube became a web site which you could view most music on and also had mp3 and higher wave definition. The youtube creation and concept was one of and will always be the best Web site that ended its progression with Google buying the site.

To your right there is a music playlist of all of my favorite tracks I have ever listened to, which then inspired me to create loops of music using reason propeller heads, which is a music producing Application made in Sweden, The application is brilliant and you can view and purchase / learn how to create music on this site.

The playlist holds all of my favorite tracks and more are added frequently. the embedded playlist only holds 200 tracks but the playlist on youtube has many more, if you wish to view other tracks on the playlist visit the YouTube site using the embedded playlist



Youtube Page / What you can


Youtube Channel and offers

When Using Applications after purchasing tutorials or buying royalty free banners / artwork / logos or purchasing work time you can either create or use elements to create a media based youtube channel depending on the genre of media you create. a short demonstration explaining this, is located to the left!

Youtube tutorials are available as step by step free tutorials and are located in the tutorial section of this web site / and or located on the Ultragene Youtube channel



Why youtube theory UG


Ultragene youtube channel theory

When I first started using youtube it was, "to me" all about skatebaording as was my thought of creating media. The first thing which I did, was start creating save files like favorite links / likes, as my media progessed I had an option to either create more than one account or create everything I loved to produce and display it on exact one account, which was, the choice I accepted and then began to upload my creations.


Ug video commentary, Playlist


Youtube UG selected Moving Image, commentary By Benjamin John

This Playlist tells you exactly why, what and how Benjamin Created the moving image productions within this playlist

Every Time Benjamin Develops a short film (if its good enough) he will also do a commentary! so this playlist will constantly be updated



Dance Playlist, Ultragenes Favourite Dance videos


Ultargenes favourite Dance videos

So one of my favourite "pass times" is to watch dancing battles,or performances, to your left is a playlist of my favourite captured dancing, body popping is my favourite type / genre of dance.

Ultragenes Music

The first free Album

This albu was created in Propellerheads Reason 10, it is 8 tracks long but i used a thought, which was making it seem like each track mixes together, and you dont notice the track change, which therefore created a "mix Feel"


The first 8 Track mix Tape



An Example of royalty Free loops

A funky little chillaxe piece, devloped and created in Propellerheads Reason 10



Chill Please



Another Royalty free Loop

this is a simple dubstep beat, to listen to more royalty free loops please visit the Music page or my youtube channel


Music Page





Ultragene forum


Ultragene Forum

In the forum you should meet happy, creative and conversing people, who are dedicated to developing media, if your a beginner then please feel free to ask any media question, your stay here at the Ultragene web site is highly appreciated.


















www.ultragene.co.uk / ultragene productions, copyright © All rights reserved